Weekly Announcements

Hepatitis A Alert! Use proper hand hygiene! There has been an increase in the number of cases of Hepatitis A around Cincinnati recently with a couple healthcare providers contracting the virus, so please do what's right and wash your hands frequently. If you are not immune to Hep A and would like to get vaccinated, you can: the vaccine costs a little over $100 and is available at most clinics.

Please remember: Do not take patients outside

Tunneled Lines must be removed by IR and cannot be removed on the floor by IM residents or nurses

Reminder: Acting Interns' History and Physical notes are not billable- only their progress notes.

There is a discount for UWorld Step 3! Let William Chapman know via email ( chapmawm@ucmail.uc.edu), and he can arrange for a discount.

2nd Annual University of Cincinnati GIM Conference: Updates Every General Practitioner Needs to Know at Manor House on Sat, September 8, 2018. 7:30 AM – 3:30 PM EDT. Cost of attendance is $50. For more information regarding this event, you can contact duboseca@ucmail.uc.edu

Please continue submitting Shout Outs and tagging your pictures to @outsidethesilverfridge on Instagram

Weekly Announcement

Complete your rotation and peer-to-peer evaluation! Otherwise you may find out that Dr. Warm has particular set of skills, skills he has acquired over a very long career. Skills that make him a nightmare for people who don't complete evals. If you do your evaluations now, that'll be the end of it. He will not look for you, he will not pursue you. But if you don't, he will look for you, he will find you, and he will make you complete the evaluations.

Please remember: if you are scheduled for noon report on a Friday, this is a split intern and senior report. This means that both members of the team need to be ready to present the case and learning points. Intern NR is in the noon report room, senior noon report is in the GI work room

The next Medical Education Pathway meeting is this upcoming Monday, August 27th from 12:00-1:30 in Mark Brown Library. The topic is Assessment and being led by Dr. Warm!

Please get your golden requests in for November and December! Deadline for submission is September 1st

Long Blockers, couple of things to be aware of:

  • Please be working to close your clinic notes ASAP. You should complete the notes within 48 hours. Weekends are not exceptions. It is 48 hours : )
  • Complete the wet prep training on MyKnowledge

Congratulations to those who have completed their ITEs! Good luck to everyone taking it in September. Study hard and may the odds be in your favor!

Please continue submitting Shout Outs and tagging your pictures to @outsidethesilverfridge on Instagram

Weekly Announcements

Just a quick reminder about protocol for holdovers (both for going from long call into nights AND night into the AM). The hold overs for long call are patients called up from 7:30 - 8PM and for the night team are patients called up after 6AM. The expectation is that the resident team called will return the call to bedboard, lay eyes on the patient, and place basic skeleton orders. It is then their job to signout the patient to the oncoming team

Long-blockers, miss AAP this week? Check out the documentation resources on the website under inpatient logistics. Danielle Weber will also find another time to have a session for residents interested in finding out tricks for documentation and learning some essentials for billing.

The Doctor's Dilemma group has begun practicing and you are invited! Keep an eye out for invitations and please join the team!

If you haven't already, check out the website's newest addition - the "Weekly EKG" will be posted every Friday. It's a fantastic way to practice your EKG interpretation skills. Check it out!

Please continue submitting Shout Outs and tagging your pictures to @outsidethesilverfridge on Instagram

Weekly Announcements 8/10/18

Did you know that UC recently expanded its palliative care consult service? If you have a patient that you think would benefit from palliative care or hospice, please consult them. In addition, they are looking to get resident feedback on the consult service. If you would like to be involved or have any thoughts, email Dr. Herbst at Lori.Herbst@cchmc.org

If you are consulting Interventional Radiology, please be sure to place a consult order in Epic AND call via the paging center/Amion to discuss the consult. If there is no Epic consult order, IR cannot complete the consult

If you are planning to present during the Resident Poster Presentations on 9/19, then turn your abstract into Jillian ASAP. The deadline for poster layout assistance by the UC printshop is 8/17. See Jillian's recent email for further details

The Doctor's Dilemma group has begun practicing and you are invited! Their practice jeopardy sessions are a fun way to study for the ITE, boards, or upcoming Mathis tests. The next session is in the noon report room on 8/13 and will cover Endocrine. Come join!

Be on the look out for a new feature on the Silver Fridge soon! With the help of Dr. Ohlbaum, we will soon be introducing a "Weekly EKG" section that features interesting EKGs and Dr. O's interpretation. I have palpitations just thinking abou it

We've made some changes to Inside The Silver Fridge in the Inpatient Resources section. Check out the Inpatient Logistics, Rotational Guides, and Reading Lists to find helpful documents and articles to help you suceed on the Wards. If you think anything should be added or are interested in writing a "how to" for any particualr rotation, let Gene or Greg know

Please continue submitting Shout Outs and tagging your pictures to @outsidethesilverfridge on Instagram

Weekly Announcements: 8/3/18

We've made some changes to Inside The Silver Fridge in the Inpatient Resources section. Check out the Inpatient Logistics, Rotational Guides, and Reading Lists to find helpful documents and articles to help you suceed on the Wards. If you think anything should be added or are interested in writing a "how to" for any particualr rotation, let Gene or Greg know

For those of you who bought MKSAP 18 under the program's subsidized plan, it should arrive by 8/31. In the meantime, you need to get your payment to Liz in MSB 6058 by 8/10. The final cost is $149.00 for the complete version or $100.00 for the digital only version. Make your checks payable to the "University of Cincinnati"

If you haven't done so already, please pick up your new call room keys from Liz in MSB 6058

Have you ever said a patient "endorses shortness of breath"? Well Dr. Warm has something to say about that. Read his newest addition to Dr. Warm's Learning Corner

ITE schedules went out this week, please make note of your scheduled date. Be on the look out for ITE test location assignments and instruction emails from Jillian early next week

FYI (especially for you seniors and AODs): Due to national shortage of DOPAmine pre-mixed bags, the CPR committee has approved removing this item from all UCMC crash carts. Although DOPAmine is rarely used from the crash carts, at least one pre-mixed bag has been stocked in an Omnicell machine on each floor similar to Code Violet meds

Interns, the H&P evaluation is now in MedHub! Soon you will start to see evaluations when you're on UH wards and hospitalist teams. Click this link to get a helpful H&P checklist with tips/tricks (also posted in the lounge and workroom). Helpful materials will also be permanently available on the website soon!

Please continue submitting Shout Outs and tagging your pictures to @outsidethesilverfridge on Instagram

Weekly Announcements 7/27/2018

Dr. Warm's Learning Corner has a new post: Interleaving and You. Check it out!

Long Blockers:  Last call for October long block vacation requests.

Reminder: MKSAP 18 orders are due by Monday, July 30th.  See Liz's email for more details

All residents: Please visit Liz in the Residency Office (MSB 6058) to pick up your call room keys. UCMC has replaced the locks for on-call rooms

Attention categoricals, PSTP, and prelims! The IM program will paying your membership dues for 2018-19. If you have already paid, send Liz the reciept for reimbursement

Please continue submitting Shout Outs and tagging your pictures to @outsidethesilverfridge on Instagram

Weekly Announcements: 7/13/18

We've had some changes with Amion! Do not panic! Here are some of the highlights of the changes:

  • Instead of "cincim" our internal medicine schedule is now saved under "UC IM"
  • Continue to use "UC" to access subspecialty schedules
  • Contact Jillian Nolte if there are any issues
  • Amion is looking for feedback, if you have any let Jillian Nolte know

FYI, they are replacing the locks for the call rooms on July 20th. Interns should go pick up their call room keys from Liz Bauke in the internal medicine office in MSB 6th floor

If you didn't notice, Dr. Warm now has his own section of the website called "The Annals of Dr. Warm" and he has made his inaugural post. Check it out!!

For residents that had abstracts accepted to ACP Ohio, congratulations!!Couple of important things to keep in mind:

  1. The IM program will take care of registration and cover the cost
  2. We will provide coverage for your clinical duties to help you get to the conference
  3. We are able to offer mileage reimbursements, but residents have to carpool
  4. For those going for the 1-day presentation, you are expected to drive up and back the same day, but should they choose to stay overnight, they’d be responsible for the cost.

The Resident Spouse Association (RSA) is open to all spouses and significant others of residents. They have monthly dinners for members (at places like Nada, E+O Kitchen, Casa Figueroa), a monthly book club, several children’s group events each month, and different community outreach events (volunteering, 5k’s for a cause, etc). Aside from $20 yearly dues, all events are free! There is a Welcome Picnic (spouses and kids invited) on July 22 at Dogwood Park. For more info about the group check out the website or the FB group called “Cincinnati RSA.”

Please remember to consider transferring patients to Ridgeway if they qualify. Not sure if your patient is appropriate for Ridgeway? Check out the Ridgeway patient criteria in the Logistics section of "Inpatient Resources" of the website

Keep an eye out for ITE schedules! They will be coming out soon. The internal medicine ITE is at the end of August and early September, never to early to be quizzing yourself to study

Please continue submitting Shout Outs and tagging your pictures to @outsidethesilverfridge on Instagram

Weekly Announcements: 7/06/18

We know the hospital has been incredibly busy! Thank you for all your hard work, especially during this transitional time in July. Keep it up! Thank you, thank you, thank you - the chiefs

Reminder to all Long Blockers: Remember to be checking your clinic schedules. Keep in mind that you can still have clinic during AOD, ED, and ICU rotations. Remember these rules for your clinic schedules: 1) Epic is the gold standard for personal clinic schedules 2) Specialty clinics ONLY show up on Amion

Speaking of clinic, the August and September schedules are now posted on Amion for Long Blockers! 3) When in doubt touch base with Elyse and/or your nursing team

We now have a nurse practitioner inpatient cardiology team at UCMC! The team will admit and cap at 10 patients. It be covered by the attending cardiolgist at night. Please talk to the chiefs and/or AOD for more specific information on the team

The process for a transfer to Ridgeway has changed slightly. Instead of consulting the GIM attending, you will page the Ridgeway attending directly (see email for specifics). The remainder of the process stays the same. Not sure if your patient is appropriate for Ridgeway? Check out the Ridgeway patient criteria in the Logistics section of "Inpatient Resources" of the website

Want to know if you got all those Acid-Base problems right in your workbook after Half Day? Check out the answersheet in the AHD section of "Education" on the website

Please continue submitting Shout Outs and tagging your pictures to @outsidethesilverfridge on Instagram

Internal Medicine residents are now eligible for a big discount on gym membership at the Cincinnati Sports Club starting July 15. If you’re interested then email kinneabn@ucmail.uc.edu about enrolling for a membership. Be sure to get your paperwork into Liz by July 11th

Weekly Announcements: 6/29/18

Announcements: Big thank you to all the interns, faculty, and staff that helped make intern orientation and R2 retreat a success this week! Check out this upcoming week’s highlights!

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Weekly Announcements

The Internal Medicine Resident Picnic is this Saturday (6/23) at the Otto Armleder Park. Starting at noon!
Come enjoy burgers, hot dogs, and hanging with co-residents! If rains, then event with be moved to
Dr. Warm’s house. Be on the lookout for email if the weather is bad.

Join us at Chapter in Mount Adams on Tuesday 6/26 at 6:30 PM for a happy hour with the new interns

Current interns, soon-to-be R2s! Remember that R2 retreat is 6/28 at Cincinnati Sports Club, starting
at 9:30 AM. Get ready to retreat yo’ self

Internal Medicine residents are now eligible for a big discount on gym membership at the Cincinnati
Sports Club starting in mid-July. More info to come during orientation and retreat. If you’re interested
then email kinneabn@ucmail.uc.edu

Please stop by the Residency Office in MSB 6058 to sign your contracts for 2018-2019 if you not
already done so

Follow our new Instagram account for the website @outsidethesilverfridge, tag us and we will post
your pictures!