At UC, we extend evidence-based practices to resident education. We use adult learning theory to shape our curriculum and teach our residents. Procedural training in our residency program uses an evidence-based approach to obtain and sustain competence throughout residency. Below you will find links to the evidence behind our procedural training as well as pages dedicated to each procedure. These pages include educational materials as well as procedure checklists used for assessment.

We now have a new procedural curriculum under the direction of Dr. Rhea Rubin! Procedure training will be integrated into resident education, including several academic half-day sessions throughout the year.

How It Works

So what does this look like for residents?

  1. Resident performs a procedure under direct observation by a fellow or attending

  2. Resident gives the Procedure Verification Form or QR code (attached below) to the supervising provider

  3. Resident also logs their procedure on MedHub (and sends to the supervising provider)

  4. Once the resident has completed 5 of a particular procedure and has scored an entrustment level of indirect supervision, the resident is certified to perform the procedure with indirect supervision

  5. Once a resident achieves step 4, they are then able to supervise other residents for that procedure. They still need to ensure there is an attending available if any issues arise.

  6. The resident is required to either perform or supervise the designated procedure at least once every 3 months to maintain certification. This can either be on a patient or in an observed, simulated session in the VA sim lab.

Procedure Checklists

Ultrasound Locations

  • UCMC
    • There are now ultrasound machines available for internal medicine residents on 8E (8161) and 6NW (6419). You can sign-out the ultrasound machines and get the key to these rooms at the nursing station (ask the HUC at the front desk).
    • Make sure you clean and return the ultrasounds as soon as you are finished, PLUG THE ULTRASOUND BACK IN, and sign the ultrasounds back in at the HUC desk
    • If the floor ultrasounds are not available, you can ask the atatending/fellow in the MSD or MICU if there is one you can borrow

  • VAMC
    • An ultrasound machine and Butterflies are stored in the Hospitalist office on 7th floor. Check with your attending during the day or if needed urgently overnight use the whiteboard keys.

Interested in brushing up on your skills?? The VA Sim Lab will be open on the 3rd Wednesday of each month in the afternoon (noon to 4pm) for residents to come and practice procedural skills (Thora, Para, Arterial line, Central line, etc).

  • Email Dr. Goueli ( if you know you are interested in practicing a particular procedure

  • You are also welcome to just show up to practice

Interested in evidence-based procedural competency training? Join us to expand this work to other common IM procedures!